Social8 is open to all Adelaide singles over 40(ish)! Even if you’re not a member, you are still welcome to attend certain events as a Guest (such as our monthly mixers). Events open to guests are advertised on the website here, on our Facebook page, and on our Meetup page at Adelaide-Social-Singles. You can also fill out the contact form to be added to our events email list. Come along and see what we’re all about!

Bronze membership allows you to attend all of our events (both the open events and the members only events). You may also receive an invitation to attend a dinner-for-6, or a hand-picked introduction.
Price: Free! You just need to apply and tell us all about yourself.
If you're a regular event attendee, you'll want Silver membership. Similar to Bronze membership, but Silver members receive discounted tickets to all events.
Price: $99 for 12 month membership (plus the cost of events).

With Gold Membership, you get all the discounted events of Silver Membership PLUS we'll coordinate with you a monthly dinner-for-6 at a central Adelaide restaurant. You will receive an invite to a dinner each month - on dates that you tell us you're available. You pay the restaurant directly for your food and beverages (you order and pay for what you'd like from the restaurant's standard menu). Read more about dinners-for-6 here.
Price: $250 for 6 months (plus the cost of dinners and events).

Platinum membership is for those people seeking hand-matched introductions to other Adelaide singles. We'll meet with you to get to know you, and discuss the kind of partner you're seeking. Then we'll go over our members in detail, to find the people just right for you. This is a highly personalised service. You'll also receive the discounted events of Silver membership.
Price: $395 (includes 4 introductions) then $195 to renew if required
(Please note we only take a limited number of Platinum clients at a time, and only if we believe we can find your match. If we decline your application, it's because we want to ensure we're providing the right level of service to our clients)

Great! Complete the Membership Interest Form (no obligation) and we'll contact you to arrange the next steps.
​If you have other questions, contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve a rocking social life!