Policies & Procedures
Dinner process:
Each month, Gold members will be emailed a Dinner Planner email which shows the dates for the month that dinners will be planned on. Members will normally attend 1 dinner each month (however they sometimes may be invited to attend additional dinners in a month).
Tick as many dates that you are available for to potentially have a dinner planned. The more you tick, the greater your chance of a dinner that is going to be terrific.
Check your emails regularly for your next dinner invite. We try our best to invite you to dinner on your nominated dates only, however, if we have a group of members we believe you will enjoy meeting who are available on a night that is not nominated by you, we may invite you with the hope you may be able to attend.
To confirm your attendance at the dinner, you will be required to pay a $33 Dinner Admin Fee. For current Gold and Platinum members, this fee will be refunded to you at the end of your membership (if you attend the dinner).
Finally, a confirmation email with the venue details will be sent to you once all members have confirmed for the dinner. We only choose the venue once all diners have responded, to be sure that we cater for individual allergies and preferences.
Attend and have hopefully a fabulous night! Our dinners are very rarely cancelled and are never subject to weather conditions, power outages or whatever else Mother Nature may throw at us! We will always let our guests know if a dinner is to be postponed due to any unforeseen circumstances immediately.
- Check your emails the next day to receive your feedback email. Reply to us again if possible within 48 hours to give us your feedback on the evening. It is important to help us to continue to provide the best service possible that we receive your valuable feedback. If any phone number exchanges are requested, we will contact guests as soon as possible however we do ask that you are very clear when expressing your desire to exchange numbers. As we facilitate dozens of exchanges every week we require clear instruction of our members’ requests so that we can deliver the best service to you!
Other dinner points:
Occasionally you may dine with members (male and female) that you have previously met. You can also specifically request to dine with members you have previously met! We guarantee you will always meet at least two people of the opposite gender at each dinner that you have not dined with before.
One of our only rules is ‘No asking for phone numbers or dates on the night’.
We predominately use restaurants in the surrounding suburbs of the CBD typically these areas are North Adelaide, Norwood, Kensington and Parkside.
All our dinners start at 7:00pm
You pay your own food and beverage costs to the restaurant, with individual bills for just what you have ordered.
Most diners will be 'similar age' to you, but occasionally there may be someone older or younger if we think they're a good fit. ('Similar age' means roughly within 5yrs if you're 30, 7yrs if you're 50, and 10yrs if you're 70.)
Sometimes we can't fill a dinner with just current Gold members who are interested and available on that night, or we have a member cancel at the last minute. Rather than cancel the whole dinner, or have it be a dinner for only 5, we try our best to fill the spare seat with a suitable fantastic single. We will consider inviting a current member on another membership level, a past member who isn't financial but is still single, or a potential new member who we've met and they wish to 'come and try'.
If something unexpected prevents you from attending the dinner, please call or text our office on 0401 784 988 (24/7) to advise us.
If we can't offer you a dinner for a month, your membership will be extended another month.
The majority of our dinners are for 6 guests, however, on occasions our dinners can be for anywhere from 4 to 8. This can be due to many different reasons and we will always endeavour to inform you prior to dinner if we are not expecting the standard 6 guests.
Ensure you check your newsletter/bulk emails that are sent out. These operate off a different server so if you are not receiving them, please let us know asap. It can be that your email bounced or has changed which we can fix easily. If you find our emails are going into your 'Junk' folder, please try white listing our email address.
Some events are for members only (being Social8 paid memberships of Silver, Gold or Platinum, or for the unpaid Bronze membership). Others are open for Guests (which include the Meetup Adelaide-Social-Singles).
Some events have a target age, while others are all-ages. Any target ages are a guideline only - feel free to attend if you want.
Payment is required to book tickets at most events. If an event does not go ahead for whatever reason, we will happily refund your ticket, or hold a credit for a future event. If YOU cancel your ticket prior to the event, Social8's policy is to NOT offer a refund (however we may choose to vary this for individual circumstances).
If you can’t find the group at the event, please call us (0401 784 988).
We encourage number exchanges at our large mixed events due to the volume of non-members present. Occasionally our non-members do not provide us with a phone number prior to booking preventing us from being able to facilitate exchanges post event - but we will certainly try!
We always appreciate feedback! If you loved something (or didn't) send us a quick email. After all - the events are for YOU.
Do you have a question we haven't covered here? Please either email or call us. We would love to hear from you and will do our best to provide an honest answer and to make you feel comfortable.